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16.04.2010, 10:57
Lesson: English
Form: 10‘a’
Theme: Technology
Aims: To introduce students with new theme and to let them know about technology of XXI century.
Visual aids: Placard, cards with new words.
Outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment:
Teacher: Good afternoon, students!
Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher!
Teacher: How are you?
Pupils: We are fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher: Not bad, thanks! I’m glad to see you?
Pupils: We are glad to see you to!
Teacher: What is the weather like today?
Pupils: Today is … (cloudy, sunny, raining, shining )
Teacher: OK, Who is on duty today?
Pupils: I’m on duty today.
Teacher: Who is absent?
Pupils: We are all present.
Teacher: What is the day today?
Pupils: Today is 16 of February.
Teacher: Fine. Well, let’s start our lesson!
 II. Phonetic drill Cashpoint-[kefpoint]- the point where you can receive money in the form of coins or notes/bills
Light switch-[lait switf]- an easier device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a light or piece of electrical equipment on and off
Mobile phone-[mobail foun]- a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere
Notes and coins-[nouts und koins]- a small flat piece of metal used as money Taxi-[teksi]- a car with a driver that you pay to take you somewhere.
Widescreen TV-[waidskrin ti: vi:]- a television that measuring a lot from one side to the other:
III. To explain new theme.
—Now, students, let’s speak about today’s lesson! Today our theme is about XXI century’s technology: calls as ‘Technology’ First can you explain me what does technology mean?
-scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry, for example in designing new machines:
-science and technology * recent advances in medical technology * to make use of the most modern technologies
-Now let’s read the text-1 on page 32, ‘Technology’ (‘Laser’, students book, on page 32-33)
 III. Doing exercises
IV. Work with cards
How do you think, which of these is better: going to library or using internet instead of books?

Continue this article: Using robots among us makes people …

Write advantages of having mobile phone

Write disadvantages of having mobile phone

Exercise D 1-d 2-b 3-f 4-a 5-g 6-e 7-h
Exercise E 1. Find a word or phrase in the article to match each of these definitions.
1. a building or room where scientists work (par-1): laboratories
2. discover (par-1): find out
3. a period of ten years (par-3): decade
4. buildings where products are made (par-3): factories
5. not the same as anything or anyone else (par-7): unique
 6. moved (par-8): transferred
VI. Concluding stage
 Giving home work
—Today your home work is to retell the text on page 32-33 ‘Robotic future rushes towards us’
Giving marks
—See you students!
—See you teacher!
Категория: Ағылшын тілі | Қосу: benera
Енгізілгені: 2580 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарилар: 5 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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