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The modal verbs of obligation: can, could, should and must, have to.
16.04.2010, 11:09
Lesson: English
Form: 7 ‘a’ T
heme: The modal verbs of obligation: can, could, should and must, have to.
Aims: To develop pupils skills, to let them know difference between can and could, should and have to.
Visual aids: Placard, cards with new words.
Outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment:
Teacher: Good afternoon, students!
Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher!
Teacher: How are you?
Pupils: We are fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher: Not bad, thanks! I’m glad to see you?
Pupils: We are glad to see you to!
Teacher: What is the weather like today?
Pupils: Today is … (cloudy, sunny, raining, shining)
Teacher: OK, Who is on duty today?
Pupils: I’m on duty today.
 Teacher: Who is absent?
Pupils: We are all present.
 Teacher: What is the day today?
Pupils: Today is 9th of February.
Teacher: Fine. Well, let’s start our lesson!
II. Checking up homework
Teacher: What was our home work for the last lesson?
Pupils: To do 5 sentence using past simple and its negative, interrogative and affirmative forms.
III. Phonetic drill
Students, repeat the proverb after me and learn it by heart. ‘An apple a day, keeps a doctor away’
IV. To explain new theme.
To introduce student’s new theme and to let them know about modals of obligation.
1. Should
Form: Subject + should + infinitive (V1)
Example: You should buy a pen immediately (If you broke your pen you must buy a new one immediately to write the control work)
 2. Have to
Form: Subject + have to + infinitive (V1)
 Example: I have to write a letter to my friends. (You promise them to write soon, so you must)
3. Can
Form: Subject + can + infinitive (V1)
Example: Erbol can play the piano (Erbol plays the piano because he learned to play piano before)
 4. Could
Form: Subject + could + infinitive (V1)
Example: You could watch TV whenever you want. (If you want to watch TV, you can do it whenever you like)
Could I ask you where the nearest hotel is? (If you don’t know where the hotel is, you may ask somebody)
V. Doing exercises:
Exercise 2
a) You can’t go.
You mustn’t go.
You shouldn’t go.
You have to go.
b) Can you go?
Must you go?
Should you go?
 Do you have to go?
c) She can go.
She must go.
She should go.
She has to go.
c) ‘Have to’ is different than others.
Because it changes
in third person to ‘has to’
Exercise 4.
 listen to Kate, aged 14. What some of the things she likes and doesn’t like about being a teenager? Complete the gaps.
a) don’t have to
b) don’t have to
c) can d) have to
 e) don’t have to
VII. Giving home work
Exercise 5. Talk to your partner. Answer the questions.
 VIII. Giving marks
—See you students!
—See you teacher!
Категория: Ағылшын тілі | Қосу: benera
Енгізілгені: 4712 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарилар: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.5/2
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